Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Goodbye at Richard's Orphanage

Goodbye Party at Richard's Orphanage

Lyndsay here..
After a long night of traveling back from Kenya, we finally arrived back to Bushika village at noon (remember our bus left the night before a little after 11pm, 13 hours of travel, that's Africa baby). We stopped in Mbale to jump on a matatu and picked up some suckers for the kids at the orphanage for our goodbye party, details on the sugar high to come… 

For those of you who may be behind on reading our blog, we have been volunteering at Nangako Orphanage every Monday teaching the children various topics from handwashing to setting goals, careers to proper behavior and relationships. The children range anywhere from 3 to 10 or 11 years old. Richard, the community health outreach coordinator at the clinic founded this school/orphanage, and it has by far become our favorite activity over the last 2 months. We have grown so close to the headmaster, chairperson, and teaching staff, not to mention all of the students there. We organized a goodbye party, including lunch, sweets, balloons, music, singing, and dancing. We just wanted to give the kids time to relax and simply have fun. So many of them are forced to grow up faster than they need to here, caring for younger siblings, working in the fields, or selling in the markets or on the streets. We simply loaded them up on sugar via suckers and juice and let them go crazy. The older girls organized a few traditional African singing/dancing numbers for us which we loved. We never knew 6 year old hips could dance like that! We blew up several large balloons for the kids and had a mass chaos form of "monkey in the middle", passed around silly bands, and simply sat and held/cuddled each and every one of them. 

After tearful goodbye's and thank-yous we headed home just before the rains set in, a perfect beginning to our final week in Uganda.

The girl's performed African dancing for us

Our last time with the Orphanage staff
Michelle dancing with Aidah

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